The inspiring springtime of 2020, and the productive 2021.
The spring of 2020 has been one of the most creative periods I’ve experienced in my almost three decades of painting. The last time I have had a creative surge of this kind happened more than a decade ago, and it led to a large body of works created in 2009-2010. In the years that followed, my output diminished, though I did create a few pieces that I consider as highlights. By 2014, however, I encountered something of a dead end that led to my giving up studio rental, and I all but abandoned making large-scale painting since. The pieces I was working on at that time I rolled up unfinished, and whatever was in stock I tried to get rid of as soon as I could. I’m not in a habit of keeping my own finished work around too long because I can’t really look at it once it’s done. The reasons that I ‘quit’ at that point were practical: I could no longer afford the quickly rising rent of the studio, and any there were no art sales to speak of after the financial crisis of 2008. Above that w...